Saturday, March 21, 2009

VIDEO: Zuma Dogg "Public Comments" For Friday's Los Angeles City Council Meeting (3/20/09)

NEW: Click on the link and the embedded player will take you directly to Zuma Dogg's "Public Comment" on the item. Today was an ordinary meeting, but I felt very good about the delivery from Van Nuys chamber. Check out this typical day with good delivery on important issues. The only flub was that I said, "Villar wants to be mayor...when I meant to say "governor."

City Council Meeting - Friday
03/20/09 - 02h 54m

PUBLIC COMMENT: Zuma Dogg on Venice Beach stabbing and the city's role in the matter....”

ITEM 19: Zuma Dogg's NEW #1 SHADY-CORRUPT ISSUE: Villaraigosa's Affordable Housing Racket (Hotels Units Counted as Affordable Housing and pawned off on Barack Obama for Federal HUD Money)....”

ITEM 24: Zuma Dogg on MTA Board Attempting to Kick Villaraigosa off the Board: AND HE WANTS TO BE GOVERNOR...LOL!....”

ITEM 26: Zuma Dogg on "Special Event Fee Waivers" As Covered on

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