Sunday, February 14, 2010

Zuma Dogg's LIVE Video Blogging of L.A. City Budget Emergency Covered by California City News blog!

[Pictured: Zuma Dogg broadcasting LIVE. Go to z for the reverse angle.

Like, Totally Man: Political Gadfly Fights the Power

While you may have never thought it necessary to witness 24/7 commentary on the activities of LA’s City Council, City News Political Gadfly Hall of Famer Zuma Dogg apparently thinks otherwise. On his web site, Mr. Dogg is taking his civic duty to the next level by offering continuous live coverage through his rants commentary about the woes affecting L.A’s city budget, among other topics. A frequent critic of the city council’s performance and the options the city is considering in light of its budget difficulties, Zuma Dogg is resorting to his “ZumaCam” to demand accountability, offer solutions of his own, and update his followers instead of blogging at his usual site Incidentally, since Zuma Dogg no longer finds it monetarily worth his time to blog, he is offering to sell the domain name for an opening bid of $7,500. And if your interest isn’t sated by his video coverage, then you can follow his twitter. In the words of Dogg, “That’s it, ya’ll.”

Original Article

ZD: Awe yeah! Thanks for noticing the ZumaCAM feed and for mentioning it. Now maybe some more people will be exposed to L.A. City Hall debauchery.

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