Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Key Business Group Against Allowing Nucklehead Nunez From Passing His Own Term Extention


One of California's most prominent and respected local business organizations, the Valley Industry & Commerce Association (VICA), has announced its vehement opposition to the Don Perata and Fabian Nunez sponsored initiative to weaken term limits. VICA's influence extends beyond its base in the San Fernando Valley and it is
considered one of the most important business endorsements a campaign can obtain.

The San Fernando Valley Business Journal has reported that "the Valley Industry & Commerce Association board of directors came out in opposition to a term-limits initiative slated for the February 2008 ballot and to generally oppose such term-limits extension proposals, especially those that do not include a redistricting

The initiative would extend the term-limits for current members of the State Legislature by allowing lawmakers to serve 12 years in one house. "Our lawmakers have reneged on their promise to re-draw the district lines," said VICA Chairman Bob Scott. "The so-called 'term-limits' measure is deceptive and actually increases the terms of those currently in office, practically guaranteeing that California
will continue to lose jobs and global competitiveness."

"To support this initiative is like the business community saying that we condone the bad behavior of these leaders," said VICA First Vice Chair Greg Lippe. "There is no way that business leaders can support extending term-limits for a legislature that has proven to be unfriendly to business without the pledge to make our political process less partisan."

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