Saturday, June 27, 2009

Zuma Dogg's Twitter Posts To Barack Obama on LA City Corruption (Week In Review)

  1. @BarackObama It's Zuma Dogg from Los Angeles. Do a "Google" search. I'm a local icon. Read my about Villaraigosa.
  2. @BarackObama L.A. Water & Power (DWP) is purposefully creating water shortage to keep rates high cause excess money illegally goes to city.
  3. @BarackObama Call Nahai at DWP and tell him to start DESALINIZATION and RE-SEEDING already. We can't afford self-imposed water shortage now.
  4. @BarackObama Is it true that L.A.'s Villaraigosa took the FED Stimulus money for "shovel ready JOB CREATION" and used it to plug his budget?
  5. @BarackObama I don't care how much Avril says Mayor is tight with White House, YOU CANNOT LET VILLARAIGOSA CONTINUE THIS CORRUPT MADNESS!
  6. @BarackObama If I were you I'd get a handle on VILLARAIGOSA'S budget mess with the quickness. $7 BIL pension loss is bankrupting city. HURRY
  7. @barackobama Can you tell Rom Emmanuel to call Ace Smith and tell him to take L.A. off fast-track to bankruptcy? Villar blew pension money!
  8. @BarackObama Barack, I heard L.A.Mayor Villaraiogsa took the FED STIMULUS money for "shovel ready job creating" and used it otherwise. HELP!
  9. @BarackObama 65% of Los Angeles budget will go to PENSION bail-out starting in July. Only .35 cents per dollar for city services. BANKRUPT!
  10. @BarackObama It's ZUMA DOGG in L.A. Read I cover Villaraigosa & City Hall. NEED FED INVESTIGATION OF PENSION MONEY!
  11. Oh no, I didn't even finish with yesterday's problems and the next day is already here. Not even gonna ask if someone can meet me for lunch.
  12. ZD hears SEIU is the union LA Times refers to as telling Mayor and City Council they will file lawsuit against re-negotiated contract deal.
  13. Basically, what it sounds like to me is that the mayor pissed off so many people, everyone is trying to get him out of there now. He's done!
  14. When people don't get jobs because you took FED stimulus money for job creation and used it for something else, ZD's & Obama's phones ring.
  15. When you take FED Stimulus money for JOB CREATION and use it for other than JOB CREATION, you piss off people who's jobs were not created!
  16. Is it possible one of mayor's police detail feared getting "caught up" (blamed) for mayor's "wild boy" behavior and blew whistle, first?
  17. ZD hears FEDS do not care that DWP/Nahai doesn't want to do desalination because it will drive rates down: FEDS WILL REQUIRE w/in 2yrs.
  18. I think when mayor says he didn't know pension $$$ was funneled into belly up projects (Grand Ave/Children's Museum), FEDS will say HE KNEW!
  19. The mayor will say he vetted these pension commissioners who funneled money into CRA projects behind backs, BUT MAYOR CALLS THE SHOTS, PAL!
  20. Remember ZD warned of pension money invested in Grand Ave Project /called for FED investigation. Guess what FED indictments will be over?
  21. Just spoke with my controversial source who seems to have inside info at the FEDERAL level...FEEL EVEN BETTER ABOUT INFO AND SOURCE, NOW!
  22. @KPCC_Sharon THANKS for thinking of me with that question. That's not my best area of expertise to comment on. Can you send me another one!
  23. BIG jump in Views on my http://LADailyBlog yesterday according to Feedburner. Probably cause I sent out an email blast to people with links.
  24. City Council approved employee retirement plan to close budget gap WITHOUT firings but union leaders already warn of legal court challenges.
  25. Today was MOST amount of public comment time in history. Links to videos at including ZD sings Michael Jackson & mas.
  26. VIDEO LINK: Zuma Dogg SINGS 1 Minute Tribute to Michael Jackson at Los Angeles City Council Meeting: http://ladailyblog.blogspot...
  27. Stilll at council meeting in Van Nuys giving public comment. Here comes another playback tonight after 8pm on TV 35 in L.A.
  28. Looks like L.A. will be forced to run all services & staff with only .35 cents of every budget dollar, starting in July! 65% to pensions.
  29. Looks like City of Los Angeles will be forced to operate all city services and staff on only .35 cents of every dolllar, starting in July!
  30. Just gave public comment announcing city borrowed $1 BIL for City's budget, but 65% will go to pension, leaving only .35 cents per dollar.
  31. Just gave public comment on Time Warner cable at City Council meeting where I announced on .35 cents of city dollar will go to services.
  32. Can someone donate to Zuma Dogg for some film for my camera? I am taking pictures of all the graffiti in L.A. and need lots and lots of film
  33. This is great.I am at City Council chambers in Van Nuys waiting through HOURS of presentations, but there is wi-fi so I can Tweet, y'all!
  34. The good thing about going to council meetings in Van Nuys, besides not having to be in the room with scumbag councilmembers is free wi-fi.
  35. I woke up today broke,hungry, tired feeling pings and pangs, but somehow I am sitting in Van Nuys Council Chambers awaiting public comment.
  36. Gonna take a break from political shady-busting blogging because of Michael Jackson. Gonna sing Billie Jean at karaoke tonight in Venice.
  37. The city's recovery plan is based on Wall Street stock market going back up, which ZD thinks will be going SOUTH, if anything..NOT RECOVERY!
  38. City Council borrows $1.1 BILLION against future revenue, BUT 65% will go to PENSION bailout AND revenue will be less than expected.
  39. Thanks to KABC's Michael Linder for using ZD's comments about Rocky Delgadilldo on McIntyre Morning Show in 8am hour. Sorry Rocky, U loser.
  40. Saw Jeff Carr in Council Chambers Wed talking to Janice Hahn at her desk. Maybe over Sanchez news. Probably assuring each other all is o.k.
  41. We'll see how good my sources are on the stuff below. Have FEDS been ALL OVER Villar's City Hall since Obama. Garcetti not so smooth, now?
  42. I hear Obama's staff is watching the L.A. City Council meetings to see what these knuckleheads are pushing. I hear indictments in Aug/Sept?
  43. I heard Laura Chick was heartbroken over Judge's ruling Contorller couldn't audit Rocky's office. Wendy G says she still will, I am told.
  44. Is White House watching L.A. Council meetings online cause they are FED up! LA City Hall=Blogovich Part 2 (Crackdown)? Is Villar on tape?
  45. Hate to say it but I think LA Councilmember Jose Huizar should be CM most concerned if FEDS crack down on Antonio Crew. No surprise there.
  46. Notice how arrogant Blogovich was? Cause it was biz as usual, but FEDS hasd enough so they let hammer fall. Now, ZD predicts Antonio's next.
  47. I knew I always liked that Laura Chick. She doesn't like Wendy Greuel, either, cause she knows Wendy is shady over measure B and more.
  48. I think Laura Chick is doing much more to fight LA City Hall corruption now as Arnold's watch dogg as she hollas at the White House, daily.
  49. Oh no...looks like Obama is gonna make Antonio into the next Blogovich.

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