Thursday, April 2, 2009

Recent Posts From Zuma Dogg's Bamboozle-Busting "L.A. Daily Blog"

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Here are some recent blog posts from my other blog, "LA Daily Blog," including some posts that were not posted here on the Zuma Times blog. Since BNN (Blog Net News) and Alltop news wire services are featuring BOTH blogs (Zuma Times and LA Daily Blog) that I am trying to distinguish them. LA Daily Blog for local Los Angeles related issues only and Zuma Times for the national stuff and other non-city hall political stuff. But I don't like people to have to skip around to both blogs to catch everything. So first thing I could suggest, if you simply want an email alert of posts from BOTH blogs, without having to a Google alert for "Zuma-Dogg" and it will email you everytime I have a new post. AND, it will also email you anytime any of the other blogs post about Zuma Dogg. So it's a good way to catch it all. (The Mayor Sam stuff, too. Make sure to spell it like this: "Zuma-Dogg" or you will get stuff about "Zuma" and "Dogs". But ["Zuma-Dogg"] means only the one and only.)

Otherwise, if you only check into you can see the LA Daily Blog "HEADLINE FEEDER" on the right hand side of the blog. Or if you go to you can see the "Zuma Times" blog headlines.

AND, I will do updates like these, that puts the stuff from LA Daily Blog, not originally included here, "on-the-record" through these links.

From LA Daily

Sponsor Zuma's City Hall Meeting For Friday (in Van Nuys)

Thanks for NOTHING Councilmember! (NOTHING but FALSE hope)

Zuma's Notes on U.S. Auto Bailout Conversation with Washington Insider

Zuma Dogg's Captiol Hill Inside Info on U.S. Auto Bailout (Intro)

Villaraigosa MUST NOT Become Governor of California (As A Matter of National Public Safety...BARACK OBAMA ALERT!!!)

Zuma Dogg 3 Year Anniversary Post: Gotta Admit, ZD Tried To Tow The Line

Meruelo Maddux & "Legalize L.A." Goes Legally Bankrupt as Part of American Apparel/Meruelo Maddux Bankruptcy Bamboozle

LA DAILY BLOG Now Featured on ALLTOP News Blog

Zuma Dogg Weekend "Shady Report" (Top March Blog Posts by L.A.'s Bamboozle-Buster)

Zuma Dogg "Public Comment" on City of Los Angeles' $7 BILLION Pension & Retirement Loss/Bail-out

ALERT: City of Los Angeles To Go BANKRUPT Over City Employee Pension & Retirement Funds (Councilmember Calls It "Armageddon!")

Zuma Dogg on The Future of LAUSD (There ISN'T a future)

Subscribe to this Feed (Official web site: All blog, Twitter, Facebook and Video Links.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dogg,
Please help expose all the crap our mayor Villaraigosa does so we can GET RID of HIM.

I know that you know he is corrupt and I appreciate everything you do.

Have you noticed that Villaraigosas photo is in the L.A. Times every Sunday, in Donald T Sterlings ads?

Donald Sterling has been prosecuted by the attorney general for discrimination when he refused
to rent one of his many apartments to Hispanics and Blacks, quoted as saying such things as blacks bring roaches'or hispanics don't pay the rent on time.

What if the latino community, the people that re -elected Villarag, knew that the mayor was a buddy with a racist?

Has Villaraigosa covered up some of Sterlings unlawful practices with his rentals, by looking the other way when the housing dept should have done something?

I want Villa Rag exposed!!