Thursday, August 6, 2015

Watch FOX NEWS: Now Streaming in No Pop-Up/No Ad Player=EZ VIEW LOS ANGELES ALERT - China Developers Planning Three Giant Skyscrapers for Downtown L.A. - China Destroyed American Jobs & Factories...L.A. Is 

Phone/Text: 213.785.7272 - Music/Comedy/Pop Culture

#LA political icon, Zuma Dogg, qualifies as Mayoral Candidate for City of Los Angeles March 07, 2017 election vs absentee, do-nothing mayor, Eric "Garshady" Garcetti. #YesOnS! 

"Legend"/KABC - "Heroic"/KRLA - "Crusader"/Mayor Garcetti - "A superstar, icon. Brilliant."/LA Weekly - "Stunned and amazed. We've never seen anything like him. Treasure."/LA Times "Fabulous"/Tony Robbins: Read what media, business authors and elected officials say about ZD

Zuma Dogg will implement, "The 14 Points of Quality & Productivity," on Day One, at City Hall. READ the 14 Points, HERE! (Based on #Deming) See video. 
 declared a , so my #1 push, as  candidate are THESE affordable homes: Practically indestructible, easily transported and affordable. Each unit is built from new, top quality steel. Link to pictures of some models!   Video testimonials, here.

ZUMA DOGG: Comin' straight off the #Venice boardwalk. L.A.'s real-life, "Wayne's World" ("legendary, cable TV superstar/icon"); turned free-speech/political advocate; and WINNER in FEDERAL court vs City of Los Angeles, when L.A. City violated ZD's (and everyone elses') civil rights at Venice Beach boardwalk; and then at the council meetings, during public comment, while addressing these issues. (See "Public Comment" Videos)

Zuma Dogg - Public Comments: (LEGENDARY-HISTORY): ZD Exposes Fraud, Waste & Abuse: "More Brilliant than Brietbart. Zuma Dogg fought the oppressive, L.A. Council meetings presided over by Garcetti, who banned video cameras. Mr. Dogg prevailed against Garcetti, and now any member of the public may record the meetings, thanks to him." - LA Weekly

* VICTORY=MAYORAL CANDIDATE, MR. DOGG: FEDERAL JUDGE RULES Los Angeles City Council Broke U.S. Law in Censorship of The Public. 

ZD's city hall experience in a TV script: “KINGPIN!”: ZD’s Hollywood TV Script About REAL-LIFE L.A. City Hall Corruption; based on ZD’s real, insider info/actual news headlines.) The names have been changed, to protect the guilty. 

213.785.7272 - -

Monday, August 3, 2015

Best of #ZumaDogg (Music/Comedy/Politics): ZD's Best Blog Page, EVER!

Email: - Text: 213.785.7272
Zuma Dogg/Venice Beach, CA 
"Legend"/KABC: "Brain-seizing, Superstar, Icon"/LA Weekly: "Stunned and amazed. We've never seen anything like it. Treasure."/LA Times: "Heroic"/AM 870: "Crusader"/L.A. Mayor Garcetti: "Malibu Celebrity"/Malibu Times: "Very funny. We gotta get ZD on the show."/Howard Stern

COMEDY of POLITICS [#GeneSimmonsMask]: WATCH how City Clowncil President DENIES ZD's free speech RIGHTS, over the mask. The shady Democratic elected official makes claim, "We can't hear you," so they cut-off ZD, entirely; and immediately. LOL! Yet, CLEARLY everyone could hear ZD; and that fact was confirmed by those in chambers, later. (Hear crowd moan when ZD is cut-off/violated.) All of these repeated free speech violations, by Clowncil, on ZD, resulted in City of L.A. LOSING a Federal lawsuit, filed by ZD; that cost the city SEVERAL MILLION DOLLARS; and turned city hall, upside down, for YEARS (effects still being felt). The Federal Judge called Clowncil's interruptions/cut-offs/ejections, "Censorship/Law-Breaking." L.A. City Clowncil no longer does this to people/they FOLLOW the law. Victory=DOGG/#ThePeopleofUSA (Federal Precedent)!

ZD Commentary/Nutty Thoughts via tweets
Aug. 03, 2015: GREETINGS from Zuma Dogg! This is ZD's "Best Of" page, for first time viewers; with links to all the familiar archives (2000-2015) for long-time friends. If you are NEW to ZD; imagine this is the homepage of an SNL/LivingColor cast member (not worthy of casting, according to the CORPORATE EXPERTS); or radio station morning personality (except funny/talented/entertaining.)  As former Top-40 radio programmer; turned street-reality comedy character; who became an L.A. City Hall political advocate/journalist/personality (over free speech issues, when L.A. City violated them); it's a diverse range of material (music/comedy/politics); but, all under the umbrella of #PopCulture ENTERTAINMENT. And, even when addressing serious municipal issues, pretty hilarious (even when trying NOT to be). Each video is also an embedded playlist=like nine seasons of a TV show. Hope this page makes you forget about Pandora/Netflix/Etc for a few hours/weeks/months/years. Have fun. ZD

Zuma Dogg - "Greatest Hits" Aka: "Bigger Than Thriller"
Zuma Dogg on Howard Stern: ZD fans get upset if this isn't posted. They like to say the lines back aloud, like, "Rocky Horror Picture Show." (The #Debut of Zuma Dogg)

FREE CONCERT! ZD Sings Journey: This L.A. cable TV segment is SO CLASSIC, it nearly pigeonholed ZD as the, "Don't Stop Believing" guy. Ha!
ZD vs #Occupy: "Andrew Breitbart, try as he might, could never illustrate the disjointed hilarity of #OccupyLA with the same brilliance, as Zuma Dogg." - LA Weekly
"I've seen the future of television comedy. Zuma Dogg is the only American comedian today wearing the comedy-genius mantle once borne by Lenny Bruce, Allen Funt and Andy Kaufman." - Michael Heaton/Syndicated Columnist

Comin' straight off the #Venice boardwalk. L.A.'s real-life, "Wayne's World" ("legendary, cable TV superstar/icon"); turned free-speech/political advocate/WINNER in FEDERAL court vs City of Los Angeles, when they violated ZD's (and everyone elses') civil rights at Venice Beach boardwalk; and city council meetings, during public comment (The PEOPLES' time to speak.) The ORIGINAL Reality TV show & video blog.

Zuma Dogg vs City Council: This LONGTIME elected CA Democrat was convicted/sentenced for breaking the law, as councilmember; and is now a convicted criminal. We know why he was SO nervous, here, about ZD! (REAL #RealityTV!)
"Zuma Dogg fought the oppressive, L.A. Council meetings presided over by Garcetti, who banned video cameras. Mr. Dogg prevailed against Garcetti’s rules, any now any member of the public may record the meetings, thanks to him." - LA Weekly